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Holistic Alcohol Rehab

Elements of Traditional Alcohol Rehab

Some traditional alcohol rehab treatment programs tend to use some components of holistic alcohol rehab approach along with time-tested therapies to fight alcohol addiction. These traditional programs employ standard detox methods and approved drug therapy with treatments of a holistic nature.

What Is Different About Holistic Alcohol Rehab?

A holistic alcohol rehab is generally defined as a program that treats the entire person that is both the body and the mind instead of just the disease. It claims to treat not just the disease. The addiction is a disease that affects all of the body’s organs and as a result the entire person must be treated to help overcome the addiction. The mind holds the key and the underlying causes to the addiction and therefore it should be addressed.

The term holistic may mean different things and before you decide to enroll for rehab treatment in a center you must enquire with the treatment center and will want to be sure as to what that program means in using that term. Treatment procedures adopted by one holistic alcohol rehab center treatment may vary widely from another. The word ‘holistic’ can mean the use of acupuncture, hypnosis, acupressure, herbal, yoga, meditation, medical, religious or a combination of these treatments. It takes a different approach than most traditional forms of rehab treatment.

Elements of Holistic Alcohol Rehab

  • Believes and focuses on diet as it plays an important role and affects health and recovery.
  • Some programs focus chiefly on diet others consider that as a part of the treatment.
  • Raw foods reduces spike in blood sugar and allow diet to help promote wellness.
  • Physical wellness is a requirement for mental peace.
  • Focus on meditation and self-awareness.
  • Meditation is the key to understanding your mind becoming aware of your and feelings.

Benefits of Holistic Alcohol Rehab

Holistic Alcohol RehabSince addiction affects the body and mind the benefits of holistic addiction treatment can be categorized into physical, social and psychological. Holistic treatments focus on helping the individual recover their overall well-being and reintegrate back into the society. This type of treatment programs addresses important aspects of the addict’s life such as social, mental well-being, emotional well-being and spiritual life.

Through group therapies addicts receive motivation needed to recover, to stay sober and confront their addiction cravings and help prevent relapse occurrences. Motivational enhancement therapy based on a reward system helps the individual to remain committed to the recovery process and ensures that relapse does not occur. Family therapy helps both the addict and his / her family members in learning how to deal with the addiction and each other.

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